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There is a sweet idea that we can not meet again if there is opportunity to come back to the school. The school itself is my sanctuary and I do not want to step on easily. And this poem blocked by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night I have not been released from feelings tied up after reading this poem. It is like a spell. It is not good. I am simple to think that I want to see everyone’s smile by going through the screen of my computer to me. I am frustrated with my living afterwards after accepting that temporary energy. Although I was talking about in the chat group on the premise I am going, it is a feeling that my heart is not ready to go yet. A turning point comes down to me who did not go. Have not you all had such ideas? Opportunities that you have to choose in the same time period You have to choose which one can happen to yourself. If there is equal win at each opportunity I will not participate in the alumni association. I feel like I’m preying at the same time. Recent self I am thinking that I am making efforts to become the essence of Buddhism, Bodhisattva, with a new ground. I have time to pray every night. Now the ideal in myself has already been completed and a little happiness has come to my senses that I am putting myself in that ideal. The idea is that Japanese people themselves are living their normal lives when they came to Japan from abroad, even if they do not notice even trivial things foreign people shine their darkness. It is believed that each faith that each person from overseas has in the background is useful for that reason. It seems to be because the religious affection that is obscured in the building culture of Japan persistently penetrates. I do not think that I do not want to miss the possibility to pass Japan even once more than to spend a little time to meet members of the reunion. The point I place importance on is already the opportunity to visit Japan, or the person who is planning to visit to discover me when I see overseas sites. If the alumni association has the opportunity to miss this, it is necessary to see off. Both of them are serious hours, they will be in the same time zone. I think that everyone is step by step with the repetition of this choice. I am happy with my current feeling that I am going to make a very big step and the ideal of becoming a bodhisattva comes to the tip of my contribution. It seems that it is the important thing among myself now which one pretends that the prey that reads this intention and gets rid of my birds fly down from the dimension and fly down., ビットコインスロット planet 50 free spin コナン. By chance The death of one genius physicist has flowed. His impression is roughly genius, it seems there was a foresight in this world, I do not know any further information. When I was watching facebook as usual before bedtime it was samantha and paige two friends who knew of this death were raising his famous quotations. The thing that was so unique was that he had posted the same as saying that the two posts were displayed side by side on Facebook. I also read this phrase without any information. In case “Be curious. And good difficult life may seem, there is always something you can and do you and there is no feeling. succeed at. It matters that you do not just give up. It is a single word that gave me courage. In case Meeting with Paige was an encounter of the time when I was sharing a room with Aiden when I was in college. Eiden was a high school classmate of Liam but he was working as a chef at a restaurant in the city while attending a vocational school near the university. Aiden finally dropped out of high school and finally found work in this town after finally gaining living life on the street. She was accompanied by Aiden ‘s street life was cole and she was with her at the time when cole came to visit. Paige is an enthusiastic fan of the rock band and he was also making a cassette tape of this band’s boot leg at that time as a collection. Even when I was in Los Angeles with Paige I was talking about transit for about an hour. I think that he is a very brave and ridiculous person. Samantha is a high school classmate and one of the few people who actually spent time together for 4 years. It was during the last two years that my school year was lined up to recognize her existence, but was it the latter half of the last year that I spent my time as a graduate? It was the same Japanese who was closely related to Samantha and also the person who was in love with Owen who is currently a professor of the university in the United States. Before Owen graduated a bit earlier, I used to speak Japanese often and talked about life. Throughout the year I think that Owen celebrated Samantha and acknowledged Samantha that he had not talked much about Samantha after he graduated but cared a little and got respected little by little. I think that such a message arriving from facebook could not be found by myself before. The information that these two people give up is also precious and the miracle that you reach here touching you here is harder than taking a gold medal, to say it by chance. Owen once resumed in Japan. While waiting for visa review time at home I crushed him and decided to travel in Osaka to her house in Aomori and decided to travel in Chari and passed through my house as a lodging place. I have not talked since Aomori sent me apple juice. But if I remember every day I pray for his safe in America. Farmhouse. To understand the charm of Buddhism to foreign people is similar to understanding the character of rural vegetables and producers. Pesticide, Organic Vegetable Such a cereal that is only loved by local people. If you go around in Tokyo, both the purchaser and the producer are winwin. Probably you are producing only the amount that can be covered locally. Organic vegetables, no agriculture is probably not, but every season a lot of vegetables line up in a small market venue with handmade and love harmless to the person as much as possible. A classmate who was in high school had such a producer of farmers. It was Alison and his younger brother Keven. They were influenced by their character in high school days. Anyway, I am ashamed and pure in character compared with myself, I feel sorry for myself like this. I think that allisons from Alison and the colleagues in the dormitory were together with graduation. The impression of the country girl is more important than anything else. The atmosphere that her presence was good for the younger brother was not wrong. Alison’s lovely attitude towards his younger brother was watching him. Speaking of her memories her girlfriend kissed at the graduation ceremony. When I told him that he was kissed by Colin, he confessed he got kissed from Alison exactly, and a little disappointing regret feelings remained. One of the reasons is that they have living around the school to have their mothers as sanctuaries. When you visit someday you need preparation on the face you will match, and it will not be ready for that face when it is definitely planned after 2 or 3 months. This sanctuary is exactly like the Glacier Peak I like to make and provide a rich and pure environment I have to offer. Adventurers abroad who visit the embarrassed emotions who are precious with Buddhism’s background discover and feel it makes them become their second hometown. I never come to visit without this, and I think that my existence worth lies in creating this space. 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